Can air cooler lower temperature

When the fan in air cooler begin to run, it generates a strong airflow and blows continuously into the room. At the same time, the water pump pours water up and distribute the water evenly to cooling pad . water evaporate on the cooling pad, evaporation absorb heat and generate cool air . Then the fan blows cool air into the room continually to down the temperature. At this time, the turbid hot air in the house is pushed out by the strong cold air from water evaporative air cooler. In fact, to put it simply, the principle of the air cooler fan make temperature down is that it can bring cool air in and take hot air out consistently.

air cooler


Why so small cool pad can make air cool in short time? We can see the cooling pad is not big, while it is honeycomb, so also called comb water evaporative air cooler. it is made of high absorbent paper with lots of folds. It will cover dozens of square meters when we lay the cooling pad flat. The larger the surface area , the better cool effect. So we always choose the air cooler have bigger or thicker cooling pad.


Air cooler can make the temperature down by 5-10 degrees , it depend on environment temperature and humidity , when the environment temperature higher, humidity lower , it will cool the temperature down to lower.


In addition to cooling the air, air cooler can also fresh the air . When outdoor fresh air go through dust net and cooling pad to room. It will be filtered by cooling pad . so air cooler can bring clean fresh air . we don’t worry about the air quality , can enjoy the clean cool air .


Post time: May-20-2021